Server Rules
(Follow these simple rules to avoid being kicked or banned or both)
First things first. You should understand that F8S (Fate's Minions) love to play online games. We are a group of friends, mostly all above the age of 28. We don't tolerate immaturity. We foster good sportsmanship. We are a team, and expect that you play in such a manner. Name calling -- other than in jest is a sign of poor sportsmanship and immaturity.
Pick a nick and stick with it.. Don't jack up my stats.
Newbies are welcome. Don't discourage newbies and blackball them. If it comes down to it, they will stay and you will leave. Basic respect is all we ask. Once upon a time, you were a newbie as well.
People of all ages play Counter Strike. Therefore, you will not use pornographic sprays of any nature.
Racism will not be tolerated either. If you join the server with any "off color" or "racist" comments or phrases in your name, you will be kick/banned. No racist or off color comments will be made either by voice or by chat.
If you join the server with the default name of "Player" -- You will get kicked. Be creative, get a good name for yourself.
Flagrant TK'ing (Team Killing), TW'ing (Team Wounding) or Hostage killing will get you kick/banned.
Terrorists that camp, and don't plant the bomb will be kicked.
Counter Terrorists that camp, and don't rescue hostages will be kicked.
Players that harass other players will be kicked and possibly banned.
Players that don't respect the admins (Any player wearing the [F8S] tag, will be kicked and banned. We are fair people and do not abuse our admin rights -- unlike other servers out there. We use it to make the playing field clean and fair and also to keep people that don't belong here out.
Above all, this is not a place for CHEATERS. If you are suspected of cheating in any manner, you will be kicked/banned and your Won ID will be distributed to other server admins as well. Soon you will run out of places to play. It's just a matter of time. Cheaters will not have stats. I will personally parse the stats and remove you.
If you are banned and think you were "wronged", go here to plead your case
If these rules seem to strict, please find another place to play. We want to keep this a nice server for people to play on. If you think you are above these rules, you will not play here.